Thursday, March 26, 2009

Mid-Semester Blues

It has been quite sometime since I've posted anything, mostly due to my extremely busy schedule. Between Organic chemistry, Immunology, Genetics, Zoology, Junior Seminar and time with Courtney, my life proves too busy. The past three times I've been home, I feel as if I haven't spent any quality time with my family. However in the midst of my busy weeks, God continues to teach me lessons, especially about life and how we as humans get caught up in our daily routines. Routines that end up consuming our lives. I've been a victim for too long. By no means am I saying that I need to start being lax in my schoolwork. I'm currently trying to shift my mindset on that matter and begin to see it as another way to glorify God. In this way, even if I don't achieve a desired grade, I can still glorify my Creator in knowing that I have strived for my best.

A little about what I've been up to lately...

Three weeks ago, I left for Budapest, Hungary with a light team from school. It was an amazing trip! It was my first time to Europe, and God taught me a lot in the week we were there. We worked in a high school doing English as a second language. It was a interesting experience, as one or two of the students had better vocabulary than I did. Not to mention it's their third language. At night, we had English club, which is where we could invite the kids to come to the church to hang out and have fun while speaking english. It was a fun trip, however passed by too quickly.
Last weekend, Courtney and I got to go home to Georgia to visit with my family. Including Keith, Jenny, and Madison :) It was a fun visit, however I, again, had too much work to do over the weekend. The life of school I suppose.

I have officially started my countdown to May. We have a little over 5 weeks of school left! It is exciting just for me to think about that! Despite summer school, this summer is going to be fun! In May, I have the pleasure of sharing my birthday with Mothers day. Hopefully I won't forget to mention something to mom :) I also get to visit with the Lynns, and Courtney's extended family that weekend as they come down to Atlanta for vacation. I'm excited about it! Then at the beginning of June, right before summer school :( we are going on a cruise to Alaska to celebrate Dad's 50th birthday! He's gettn' old on us ;)
Well this is getting longer than I expected, I'm off to catch up on 24 for this week! Gotta go get my Bauer dosage...


  1. J I'll reserve plenty of bonding quality time for you on the cruise! Love you. I prayed for you this morning, let me know if you have specifics. Jenny

  2. How was Budapest with Landrum? You know, he did mine and Shana's wedding. I also went on that trip in 2004. It was sweet. I hope you enjoyed it.
